Recognize that in your industry, this is a very prestigious certification. Talk to other RCDDs. Decide that you are making a career decision that will serve you for the rest of your life and then work for it!
Click on the link for the class and fill out the registration form
Email to or via fax to 865.932.9894 or call us and we will fill out for you - 865.932.9881
If you do not yet know which class to attend, register for “Will Call”. This will get the pre-class study material out to you imemdiately. The sooner you start, the better! Choose the class location and dates when you are ready!
Order the TDMM 14th Edition from BICSI. This can be done at the same time as becoming a member of BICSI and you get the membership discount! You may also call BICSI at (800) 242-7405.
Determine when you would like to take the exam. This determines timing of application submission to BICSI. You should register with BICSI within 30-45 days of the date you wish to sit for the exam. BICSI requires this amount of time to process your application. All of the information you need to apply, etc., can be found in theRCDD Credentialing Handbook.
To speed the exam application approval process, make sure you have the required experience and the documents BICSI will request. Eligibility requirements are on pages 7 -8 of the Handbook.
Allow approximately 150 hours to get through the materials. Past students said that working chapter by chapter, answering questions, grading themselves using the answer key and then flagging areas of concern works best. Have the TDMM 14th Edition in front of you to use with the study guides! This will point out strengths/weaknesses in knowledge, and allow more time for the questions that you do not know!
Study…study… study! Write questions in the margins of your workbook and/or TDMM. Flag items that you need more explanation on. Have them handy when you get in class, then make sure to ask for explanations from the instructor!!
Contact us at 865.383.7310 or 865.383.7312 Voice*SMS*Fax
via email
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